A much better month!
Resolution #1: Be good to my body
Result: 67%
A. Go to the gym once a week: 3/4 (75%)
B. Stretch once a week: 2/4 (50%)
C. Drink a glass of green tea per week: 3/4 (75%)
Resolution #2: Be more mindful
Result: 101%!!!
A. Write in my journal once a week: 6/4 (150%)
B. Meditate once a week: 3/4 (75%)
C. Only spend one hour on the internet every weekday at home: 18/23 (78%)
Resolution #3: See one movie a month in theater
Result: Success!!
This month I saw TWO movies in theater!! The first was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I never read the book, but was pleasantly surprised by the movie. My girl crush, Emma Watson, was in the movie, and unfortunately she was the weakest link; however, the male actors were spot on and super cute to boot.
Next I saw Pom Poko, a Studio Ghibli film, in it's original Japanese at Doc Films, the student-run film club at the University of Chicago. It's about vigilante raccoons trying to rescue their forest from development. Not my favorite Studio Ghibli, but cute with an environmental message.
Resolution #4: Buy one piece of clothing per month
Result: Success!
This month I bought two skirts, a cardigan, three shirts, a jacket, and tights. Eek, when will my shopping spree be over?!
Resolution #5: Read two books per month
Result: Success!!
This month I read five books: the first three in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, which are always great to re-read; Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field, a Newbery Award winner which was fine; and ...and Now Miguel by Joseph Krumgold, another Newbery, which I disliked.
Resolution #6: Keep track of my finances via Excel spreadsheet
Result: Lacking
Hmm, especially towards the end of the month I stopped tracking my expenses, though I still have the receipts. Now that I make more money in my new job, I feel it's not as necessary for me to track my expenses, but that's bad thinking. I'm still spending way to much on eating out.
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