Sunday, October 14, 2012

This and That

Lately I haven't been up to much, just a bit of this and that, including making this gem amongst Halloween decorations:
Sharpie and milk jug
I took this picture from my balcony:
Full moon over Chicago
I took a trip to the country, which looks like that:
Western Illinois panorama
And where the cemetaries are so old they are being eaten by trees, like this:
Mmm, tombstone.
There are covered bridges in the country, like that:

That's me standing proudly in front
Also: horses! like this:

Baby horsey!
And the country is where I got my first glimpse of the mighty Mississippi, which looks like that:

Where are Huck and Jim?
It's also kind of pretty in the country, and looks like this:

It gets cold in the country when the sun sets

But there are men who shoot at things, like that:

Scared the shit out of me
Mostly, however, I've been working, shopping, hanging out with friends, and enjoying some of this:


Unknown said...

Love it. Hopefully we'll be enjoying a little of this and that together within the next few months! :-)

Mary said...

Delicious tombstones. Nom, nom.