Monday, April 30, 2012


Kate Hudson at the White House Correspondants Dinner. Love it!

Photo credit: Johns PKI/Splash News Online via

Monday, April 23, 2012

Coachella Couple

How cute do Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger look?! Here they are at the first weekend of Coachella. They are one of my favorite celebrity couples!

Photo credit: AKM-GSI via

On the Bright Side

1. Five straight days off from work :-)
2. Getting all the niggling chores completed: buy new broom, donate old printer, mop under couch DONE
3. Sunny, breezy weather
4. Finally understanding what all the fuss is about over Freaks and Geeks. Can't wait for my next Netflix installment.
5. Going grocery shopping for the week but getting the fun, extra stuff too!

Friday, April 13, 2012

On the Bright Side

This week I got four consecutive free rides on the train! This never happens! Sometimes I'll get a free ride in the morning or in the afternoon, but I've never had two free rides two days in a row. And it's not for lack of trying: I have my ticket out, ready to be punched. The conductors just never come by. Yay for free train rides!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 Goal: Accomplished!

Goal #1: Take a proper vacation: of at least three days, stay in a hotel, travel via plane

Yay! Last week I took a trip to Puerto Rico for my spring break: it was awesome. I went with my friend Tonya, and we spent five nights at The Wyndham Resort in Rio Grande, east of San Juan.

It was quite resort-y and fairly family-friendly (read: lots of kids), but we were able to do our own thing and enjoy our time. I came back with a bad sunburn that is just now starting to peel (my punishment for wanting a tan and forgoing sunscreen for, only, about an hour and a half in the morning; curse the tropical sun!).

Otherwise, it was beach, pool, drinks, balcony, relaxing, sleep, and food for the entire time. Love vacation.

Pretty clouds on the flight over

Beach-side drink :-)


Tropical sunset

Trying to stay out of the sun

There were iguanas

La playa

Beach at sunset

Pretty flowers

I want to go back!

Resolution Update #3

Resolution #1: Be good to my body
Result: Excellent! 100% average!

A. Go to the gym once a week: 6/4 (150%!!!!!)
B. Stretch once a week: 4/4 (100%!)
C. Drink one glass of green tea a week: 2/4 (50%)

Resolution #2: Be more mindful
Result: 78%

A. Write in my journal once a week: 3/4 (75%)
B. Meditate once a week: 4/4 (100%)
C. Only spend one hour on the internet every weekday at home: ok... (60%) To be honest, I forgot about this resolution nearly every day. I must make a calendar to track this.

Resolution #3: See a movie in theater once a month
Result: Fail

Resolution #4: Buy one piece of clothing per month
Result: Success!

I bought new underwear in March, which I really needed!

Resolution #5: Read two books per month
Result: Resounding success!

Last month I reread one of my own books--yes, a "bodice-ripper"--titled The Bride's Bodyguard by Elizabeth Thornton. It was one of the first romance novels I ever read, and it's fun to go back.

Next I read The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens. It's another young adult novel, and I saw it at a bookstore and was intrigued; so, I borrowed it from the library. It's the first in a magical series, and I liked it, but wasn't blown away. Apparently the author used to write for Gilmore Girls, so that's kind of cool.

Finally, I finished The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Conan Doyle. Now that I have a Kindle, I am all about getting books for free, and have downloaded a few out-of-copyright classics. This one was written in small vignettes, which I didn't expect. I quite enjoyed reading this classic, and might move on to other Sherlock Holmes' stories.

Resolution #6: Keep track of my finances via Excel
Result: Success!

Ugh, I spent more in March than in both January and February, and the majority of it on dining out. Must, must, MUST reel that in this month!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Welcome to my new blog!

I had been wanting to create a new blog for about a year: something that was more reflective of myself and more grown up. You will find this blog to be cleaner, simpler, and updated. My other blog will still be available to look back on, but SVB will be my main blog beginning now.

A note on the title: I wanted something personal that wasn't too personal; this blog, I think I have decided, will not be private, so I need to keep an eye open to my internet privacy. The majority of my posts on my old blog were about the happy and fun things in my life, and I am content to keep that going, and keep this blog as a place for the positive.

I hope you enjoy it!